Super Socks

Written by: Connie Bowman
Illustrated by: Kelly O'Neill

Category: Children-Picture Book

Page Length: 32 Pages

Reviewed On: 13 AUG 2020

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Book Review

Molly adores her little sister, Katie! Katie was born with Down syndrome, and wants to help her big sister as much as she can. Every day, she picks out her socks, which never match, and give her superpowers! Molly uses these super socks to make it through any struggle of the day!

Super Socks is an excellent story about love, kindness, and acceptance. It's an excellent way to raise your child's awareness of how other people can be different from them, and how even though they may need help with certain things, that doesn't mean they can't do anything they set their minds to! This is definitely an excellent way to teach a message every young child needs to learn!

About Connie Bowman